Dual Enrollment, College & Trade Schools

When your students enter the high school years, your thoughts naturally gravitate toward the future. Is college the best option for them? What are their interests and can they build a future around them? How do you give your students the best education in high school to prepare them for the future? 

College Info & Dual Enrollment

One of the best ways to see if your child is suited for a post-secondary education at a college or university is to enroll him/her in  a dual enrollment program in a college or university during his junior and/or senior year of high school. The credits earned will apply both to high school diploma requirements and college graduation requisites. Plus, these courses are usually offered at a significantly discounted cost per credit.

Most colleges offer dual enrollment programs, and an increasing number of them are offering online dual enrollment courses–which gives families a wider selection of colleges to choose from. On our College Info & Dual Enrollment page we have posted information about colleges that offer online dual-enrollment classes as well as general information about visiting the colleges. If you would like to see a specific college included on this page, please email  your request to office@masondixonhomeschoolers.org.

Trade Schools & Training Programs

The opportunity to build a career in the trades has never been better. With the majority of the current work force aging out of the field, the trades are desperate for young people with training and skills to enter the industry. Upon completing trade school and/or training programs, many of these graduates are making more money and have significantly less debt than their college-graduate counterparts. On our Trade Schools & Training Programs page, we have posted schools that offer training in a wide variety of fields. If you would like to see a school or program added to this page, please email your request to office@masondixonhomeschoolers.org.