Contact Us

The MDHSA office staff works on a part-time basis Monday through Friday. Currently, the office is staffed on most Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12-3 p.m. However, staff members work remotely on  the remaining business days; emails are checked daily and generally answered within 24 hours. Please be assured that the needs of the DP Participants and Evaluators are still being met in our customary timely manner.

Need a response ASAP? Email is the fastest way to reach us since staff members check. Please direct emails to, as normally this account is checked daily, Monday through Friday.

Additionally, MDHSA provides two phone numbers where a Staff member may be reached:

The main office number is 717-749-5767. Since the staff is working primarily remotely, more than likely you will directed to voicemail. Please leave a clear message, speaking slowly, so your information can be obtained. If you do not receive a return phone call within a few days, your message may not have been clear, or information was not heard in the message.

The secondary number is 717-925-0585Calls and texts are accepted at this number.   If the call is not answered, please leave a message. Be very clear in the message, as it will be automatically transcribed into an email so the Staff can receive it faster. Your call will be returned as quickly as possible. 

If you encounter broken links or problems with this website , please send that information to