Minimum Courses are those courses outlined in the MDHSA Diploma Guide (and on the Annual Summary Form) as courses that must be studied sometime between 7th and 12th grade in order to help fulfill the graduation requirements. If those courses are not studied between 7th and 8th grade, then at least ½ credit must be studied between 9th and 12th grades.
What are the requirements for considering a subject “studied” in 7th or 8th grade? Is that subject required to have 60 logged entries / hours during 7th or 8th grade?
As long as that subject was studied (in 7th or 8th grade) to an extent that is judged to be acceptable and appropriate to the homeschool supervisor and Evaluator, the number of entries or hours is not necessarily relevant. There is no specified number that deems a subject “studied” in those grade levels.
Do the “Minimum Courses” need to be studied separately, or may they be part of a larger course?
Either option is acceptable. For example, if the student studied “Social Studies” in 7th grade, and the course included “World History”, then in 8th grade studied “American History”, which included lessons on US and PA History, then those subjects may be considered “studied” in the 7th or 8th grade, regardless of the number of entries / hours logged.
Likewise, if a course (civics, public speaking, geography, etc.) is taken in a Co-Op or other similar setting during 7th and / or 8th grade, then that course is considered “studied.”
FAQ: About the Diploma Program
FAQ: High School Courses/Credits
FAQ: English Requirements
FAQ: Prior Credits
FAQ: Honors Diploma Criteria
FAQ: Students with Special Needs
FAQ: Special Circumstances