Required Child Abuse Clearances

In 2014 major changes were made to PA’s Child Protective Services Laws. As a result of those changes, volunteers who have direct contact with and/or provide temporary care  for children are required to obtain clearances and are also considered *mandated reporters. Therefore, BEFORE YOU REGISTER please be sure to have applied for ALL of your needed clearances. Registrations will not be accepted without the proper clearances.

Below is a list of required clearances based on Pennsylvania residency. For more details about the requirements, please read this Volunteer FAQ article by the PA Dept. of Human Services

Required clearances: (Choose the Option that fits your situation.)
Option A:
Pennsylvania residents who have lived here 10 years or more:
1) Report of criminal history from the Pennsylvania State Police (free for volunteers)
2) PA Child Abuse History Clearance  (free for volunteers)
Note: If you have resided 10 years or more in PA and this is the first time you are submitting clearances to MDHSA, you should also complete a Request for Waiver of Fingerprint Check which should be submitted to the office along with #1 and #2 above.

Option B:
Pennsylvania residents who have lived in PA less than 10 years
#1 and #2 from above and 3) fingerprint based federal criminal history check (FBI) ($22.60 for volunteers). NOTE: You will need a service code when requesting the FBI check. Please use the service code for a DHS Volunteer: 1KG6ZJ.

Because these clearances may take time to process, you should apply for these clearances well in advance of the first day of co-op.

ALL CLEARANCES (for PA residents and Non-PA residents) MUST BE RENEWED EVERY 60 MONTHS (5 YEARS).

Option C: Non-PA residents:
If you live in another state and do not volunteer (at a co-op) for more than 30 days in a calendar year, Pennsylvania law permits you under the provisional clearance requirement to provide MDHSA with copies of all required clearances from your state of residence in lieu of the PA clearances. However, if you choose to submit PA clearances, you will need to submit numbers 1, 2, and 3 from the list above every five years (60 months). If you wish to submit your out-of-state clearances, see the Out of State Clearance list published by the PA Department of Human Services. For your convenience the requirements for Maryland and West Virginia residents are listed below

Maryland Child Abuse Registry Check (Maryland Child Protective Services Background Clearance): Choose Other Individuals to access the form, then choose the Release to Self option on PDF form.
Maryland Criminal Record Check
Maryland Sex Offender Registry Check: Search by name, then print page to show 0 records found.

West Virginia Child Abuse Registry Check*
West Virginia Criminal Record Check
West Virginia Sex Offender Registry Check
*Please note that according to the chart, an Employer or State Agency must request the Child Abuse History Check.

When you receive your clearances, you can send print copies of them to: MDHSA, 32 W. Main St. #5, Waynesboro, PA 17268 OR send scanned copies to

*What is a mandated reporter?
Mandated reporters are people who are required by law to report suspected child abuse. Because of the changes to the Child Protective Services Law, all co-op parents are now considered to be mandated reporters.

For more information about the responsibilities of a mandated reporter,  please click here

For more information about mandated reporter training, please click here. Although this training is not required by law, it is recommended by the state and MDHSA would prefer that you receive this training. If you do the training please forward MDHSA a copy of the form that you received as certification that you took the course.

If you have any questions, please email