MDHSA Support Group

MDHSA Support Group — Who We Are
Come Join Us!

In 1986, a group of pioneer homeschooling families met one evening and formed Mason Dixon Homeschoolers Association. The newly formed organization had two goals: provide support for fellow homeschooling families regardless of faith and enact legislation in PA that would make it legal for parents to homeschool their children in PA.  (Click HERE for a complete history of MDHSA.) *

MDHSA is a Christian non-profit organization that serves a yearly average membership of over 150 families in Franklin, Fulton and Cumberland Counties in PA and the Washington County area in MD. MDHSA still remains true to our original  goals. We continue to support our fellow homeschoolers and work with legislators and other homeschool organizations to maintain our homeschooling freedoms. Additionally, we disseminate legislative information about issues of interest to homeschoolers and educators.

The MDHSA Support Group is made up of families who are passionate about homeschooling and are eager to help other families succeed in homeschooling their children. Parent volunteers give of their time and skills to coordinate our programs and activities. Cyber-school families are welcome to join MDHSA, but our main focus is traditional homeschooling.

MDHSA Support Group

Annual Membership Fee $45
(membership year runs from May 31 of current year to June 1 of following year)

Benefits Included in

Private FB Group
Access to Resource Ctr.
Legislative Updates
Membership Card
Discounted MDHSA
Workshops (when available)
Member Directory

Member Benefits 

Requiring Separate Fee
Co-op Schools
(2 semesters/year, fee
varies depending on
co-op chosen)
Graduation Ceremony
in June
(members receive a
High School Formal
(open to teens 14 and
older thru 12th grade)
Member Benefits, 
Free or with a Cost
MDHSA Activities,
Field Trips, and Events 
•MDHSA Activity Clubs

Interested in joining our Support Group? Cl
ick here.


*In 1998, Mason Dixon Homeschoolers launched the MDHSA Diploma Program,  a statewide diploma program for homeschooled students recognized by the PDE. The MDHSA Diploma Program is a separate entity that is entirely independent of our local Support Group.  Each entity has its own registration process and fees

MDHSA Co-Op Schools