Compulsory Age Law Change effective Aug./Sept. 2020


The PA Public School Code has recently been modified to expand compulsory attendance age. Beginning in the 2020 school year (affidavits filed for August/September 2020), ages 6-18 are required to be in school or possess a legitimate diploma from one of a list of sources in the new law.

Affidavits must be filed for children who turn 6 before or on September 1.  The child who turns 6 after September 1 does not reach compulsory attendance age until the next school year.

There are efforts in the works to request an exemption for home educating families whose children are between the ages of 6-8 and 17-18. The most promising of these efforts is a bill currently being drafted. Paul Schemel has agreed to be co-sponsor. Other conservative representatives have as well. It is hoped that this will be a bi-partisan effort as that is more likely to be successful.

As these efforts require input from voters, announcements will be made in the newsletter, on the webpage, on the Facebook page, and through announcement emails.