Mason-Dixon Homeschoolers is excited to once again be hosting its annual spring formal. Join us for a magical evening of music, dancing and light refreshments at the Springfield Barn in Williamsport, MD. Guests are welcome to come early to the venue to take pictures before the dance. (Outdoor photo areas will be open from 5:45pm – 6:30pm for families to come and take pictures before the formal begins).
The formal is open to ALL homeschoolers and their guests. Non-homeschoolers may attend the formal ONLY if they are attending as a guest of a homeschooled student. A registration form must be completed for EACH student attending the event. You can use the digital form below and pay online or you can use the printable registration form (select non-member price) and mail it with a check to the MDHSA office. Please note that mailed registration forms must be postmarked by April 25th. The deadline for online registrations is May 1st.
IMPORTANT! Only MDHSA Members receive a member discount price for the formal. All non-members (including guests of MDHSA members) who wish to register online must use the Non-Member Registration form* and pay the non-member price.
Non-MDHSA Member Registration Fees (Non-Refundable):
- Early Bird♥ non-member price: $35.00 – through April 15
- Regular non-member price $40.00 – April 16 – May 1 (mailed forms must be postmarked by April 25)
MDHSA local support group members: Use the Member Registration Form on the Member Portal to receive your discounted Member price.
When you fill out the registration form, you will be asked to acknowledge and honor our Behavioral Agreement, Health Policy, and Photo Advisement. These policies must be acknowledged in order for your registration form to be processed.
Questions regarding the Formal may be directed to You may also call the office, but please be aware that the office is only staffed part-time on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons, so your call may not be returned until the next business day the office is open. Email is the fastest way to reach a member of the staff who primarily work remotely.
If you are a homeschooler and you have invited a guest you wish to pay for, please use printable registration forms for both you and your guest. Attach the forms together and include your guest on the payment section of your form.
NOTE: No tickets will be sent to you. Instead, check-in at the door is required at the formal. If you pay your registration fee online, your PayPal receipt is your proof of purchase. If you pay by check, your cancelled check is your proof of purchase. You do not need to bring your proof of purchase with you to the dance. If necessary, staff members can verify payment by checking the MDHSA PayPal Account or bank records.
You may register a total of three students IN THE SAME FAMILY with this form.