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To choose Mason Dixon Homeschoolers as your school, scan this bar code when you use your Weis Club card on your next visit. It is only necessary to scan it the first time you use it for the current school year. However, remember to scan it again when the new school year kicks off in September. You can also register online at


General Mills Box Tops for Education has changed to an app-supported digital program that allows you to scan your receipt to “collect” box tops for your school. Traditional clipped box tops that have not reached their expiration dates are still being accepted. Remember each box top, scanned or clipped is worth 10¢

You can get the mobile app (iPhone) here or (Google) here:

Watch these videos to learn more about the digital program:

Box Tops New App: Scan for Your School

How to Scan with the Box Tops Mobile App

How to Submit Digital Receipts to Earn Box Tops